- - S E L E C T E D- - P R O J E C T S - -


Free University of Bozen

Prof. A.C., Project Leader
Visual Communication [WS2005-WS09/10]
Projects 2005-2009 @ Uni-Bozen (3mb): sx-lehre.pdf

Lehraufträge an der Hochschule Hof
Abteilung Mönchberg Mediendesign:

Digitale Illustration [SS10]
Kursbeschreibungen: 4.Semester
/ 6.Semester

Lehraufträge an der FH-Salzburg, Multi Media Art:

Interactives Design [SS06]
Interactives Design [SS05]
Interactives Design [SS03/SS04]
Screen Design [WS05]
Screen Design [WS02/03/04]
Video/Installation [WS02]
"Portfolio" [WS2002-SS2006]

live performance:

tonbild.net [since 2005]
sound + visual projects / stiletto & simonex:

"Das Leben wie es sein soll" [audiovisual performance]
› Plankton MedienKunst Gala 2008

TV 2.0 [audiovisual performance]
TV 2.0 Party Session [interactive performance]
› JazzIt, Salzburg 2007

reality shift [interactive performance]
› Temple de la Fusterie, Geneve 2007

infotoxicated reality shift [interactive performance/imagecollage]
› lab.30, Augsburg 2006

reflection [interactive performance]
› Donaufestival, Krems 2005

echo maschine [interactive sound installation]
› lab 30 - Kunstlabor, Augsburg 2005

noise karaoke/reality shift [interactive performance]
› t-u-b-e, München 2005

some video cuttings
Gianni Stiletto

free creation + design:

netBase [2000/2001...]
the basic idea is to marry ecological ways of living with
contemporary ways of working. togehter with Kris Krois.
Kris Krois

info+bilder/ [ 1999/2000 ]
info + design, and what is the message?

collection esthetique [ 1999 ]
(first price on video-internet festival 99 berlin)
art + design project about media design + kosovo conflict

~reboot/ [ 1999 ]
website for german / dutch art project

cafehausGeschichte/ [ 1998 ]
about the history of cafe/bars

Tearoom/ [ 1998 ]
tearoom - an art/style/tea project

RandomArtsFunktion/ [ 1998 ]
art + design project with titus von lilien

wahrnehmungswandel/ [ 1999 ]
about changing of perception

~simonex/ [khm-home of simonex]

on disk:

-- adelas recreation set for computer workers [cd-rom 1996]
exercises for eyes, body and soul. relax!

-- super kartoffel (prize - komm festival duesseldorf 96) [floppy]
design project from sebastian kutscher and simonex


- - C O M M E R C I A L - -


acht99.de [backup from 2001/first pesentation, sorry!]
concept, creation and design for acht99 (online 2001-2007)

http://www.Roland Berger.de (feb.-may 2000)
art direction and webdesign - online december 2000

-- genion.de
art direction for pitch, we won.

http://www.cassiopeia.de/ (2000)
art direction and webdesign

http://www.hansamare.de (1998)
design and clickshow for pitch, and we won.

-- www.mtvhome/iclip for faunaflash [ 1998 ]
concept + design for an interactive musicclip (shockwave)

-- http://www.wilkinson.de (1996)
website design and game design

-- http://www.hermes-kredit.com/ (1996)
art direction and screen design

-- www.popnet.de (1996-1998)
website for the agency popnet.

-- www.mallorca-paradies.de (1999)
tv-soap-opera, webdesign for java tool

design for cd-rom/dvd:

-- Stiletnic DVD 2006
design for Gianni Stiletto

-- Radwandern in Europa CD-rom 20003
design + production for WernerWilhelm

-- AOL CD-rom show98/99
design + production for faktor3

-- Audi A3 CD-rom 97
( design for flux multimedia )

-- Hermes Kreditversicherung CD-rom
design + production for popnet

-- Alfed Biolek - meine Rezepte CD-rom
screendesign for flux multimedia

television design:

-- for arte (1998) topic: biology in the next millenium

expo 2000 identity clip for qwer
(realisation together with sebastian kutscher; kutscher.tv
[ adc NY merit award 2001 ]

more informations:

cv & Print-Portfolio: simonex.pdf
Resümee Bozen (3mb): sx-lehre.pdf
Bilder 05-10 (11mb): bigprints.pdf

  email to [sx-simonex@email.de]